Monday 29 July 2013

History of Fort Worth

Sri Aman also has a long history during the British colonisation. their place of residence named ' Alice ' now this Fortress still exists and was a visit by members of the public.Too bad the condition ' Fort Worth ' is now idle and not repaired.

History of Rumah Sri Aman

History of Rumah Sri Aman 

Sri Aman (originally Simanggang) is one of the city and the State. The name Sri Aman was taken in conjunction with the devotion of the Communist Party led by Bong Kee Chok around 1974.

Tidal Bore at Sri Aman

Pesta Benak or Tidal Bore at Sri Aman

Sri Aman has its uniqueness of its own. The festival is often held annually namely the Pesta Benak.  Pesta Benak or in English known as refuse to have held at the waterfront of Batang Lupar River. The minds of mean high-water waves in Batang Lupar River..

During the Festival there are many events which took place. Among them are boat racing, capture ducks, climb the greasy pole, racing speed boat and more. Events in the evening, such as kareoke, battle of the bands, and the presentation of the singer invitations. 


During this festival will also be held a lot of sales that will trade around the city. Such as clothing, food, groceries and electronics.

Sunday 28 July 2013

location of Sri Aman

Sri Aman in Sarawak

Sri Aman is the third part in the Sarawak. Sri Aman is also among the cities that are still not known despite the Malaysian population. In addition, Sri Aman is also among the places of interest to visit despite Sri Aman looks isolated and remote areas. Therefore, many more that have yet to recognize excellence and richness of the Sri Aman.